The Annual General Body of Kerala Brahmana Sabha, Ernakulam District will be held on Sunday, the 8th of August 2010 at Shivapoorna - A/C Auditorium in the Seethalakshmi Rama Iyer Memorial Building at Thripunithura at sharp 10.00 a. m. The building is located behind Sidhi Vinayaka Temple at Chakkamkulangara. The meeting will be presided by V. Krishnaswami, District President. All life members and elected delegates to the District shall attend the General Body. The Annual General Body of Vanitha Vibhagam of Kerala Brahmana Sabha, Ernakulam District is also proposed to be conducted on the same day at 11.30 a.m. in the same venue.
The official Blog of Kerala Brahmana Sabha, Ernakulam District
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Student Community should uphold Values - Dr. G. C. Gopala Pillai
Dr. Gopala Pillai, the Managing Director of INKEL and Ex – Chairman of FACT exhorted the students to uphold social values as they climb up new steps in education. He was speaking as the Chief Guest in the Merit Evening jointly organized by the Kerala Brahmana Sabha, Ernakulam City Unit and Ernakulam Gramajana Samooham.
Dr. G. C. Gopala Pillai addressing the students and parents
30 students were presented mementos and cash awards in the meeting, presided by A. K. Seshadri, President of Ernakulam Gramajana Samooham. About 200 persons including the award winners and their parents participated in the function held at 5.30 p.m. on Saturday, the 24th of July 2010. The function started with the prayer by Haritha. In his welcome address, M. Vanchiswaran (Secretary, KBS, Ernakulam City Unit) introduced Dr. Gopala Pillai and G. Viswanathan to the audience and opined that presence of such personalities have made the function meaningful.
Baby Shradha welcoming Dr. G. C. Gopala Pillai
A. K. Seshadri presenting a memento to Dr. G. C. Gopala Pillai
Dr. Gopala Pillai advised the students that the intelligence (IQ – Intelligence Quotient) alone is not enough for success in life, but also a mature mental state (EQ – Emotional Quotient) is required. “The basis of Career is Character. It is essential to nurture a positive mentality towards this. There is no age limit for acquiring education. One continues to acquire education in some way all through his life. One becomes an asset to society only when he acquires value-based knowledge. It is necessary to increase curiosity in each and everything in order to gain knowledge” - he said.
G. Viswanthan delivering his felicitation
Baby Shradha welcoming Shri G. Viswanathan
R. Ramakrishnan presenting a memento to G. Viswanathan
In his felicitation address G. Viswanathan, District Governor of Rotary Club, Kochi-Coimbatore said that a sense of humour would enable one to succeed in all walks of life. It is imminence of time that records are to be broken. He exhorted the students to try their best to achieve excellence. He also advised the parents to encourage their children to inculcate self-confidence in them.
Priyanka Subramanian delivering the reply speech on behalf of the award winners
The award winners along with Dr. G. C. Gopala Pillai, G. Viswanathan and the office bearers of KBS, Ernakulam City Unit and Vanitha Vibhag. The Chief Sponsor of the programme N. K. Sivaramakrishnan of Latha Cycle Stores, Anand Bazar, Ernakulam (sitting – right extreme) is also seen
M. Vanchiswaran delivering the welcome address. (From Left to Right) G. Viswanathan, A. K. Seshadri, Dr. G. C. Gopala Pillai and R. Ramakrishnan
Dr. G. C. Gopala Pillai presenting a memento to Purnima Hariharakrishnan, one among the meritorious students
A view of the audience
Representing the award winners, Priyanka Subramanian thanked Kerala Brahmana Sabha and Gramajana Samooham. Ananthakrishnan, Secretary of Ernakulam Gramajana Samooham delivered the vote of thanks.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tribute to Adv. K. Harihara Iyer on his 25th death anniversary

Merit Awards Distributed at Perumbavoor
The meritorious students were given awards on Sunday, the 25th of July 2010 in the meeting held at Samooham Mandapam at Perumbavoor. Mementoes were presented to the students who secured high marks in SSLC/Plus 2/Degree Level examinations. Educational aid for the financially backward students were also distributed in the meeting.
V. Hariharan who has been recently elected as the President of Peumbavoor Fine Arts Society was honoured by N. Ramachandran (President) on behalf of Perumbavoor Upasabha by draping a Ponnada. Mohandas S. (District Joint Secretary) was also honoured by R. Natesan (Joint Secretary) on behalf of Perumbavoor Upasabha in the meeting.
The meeting was presided over by N. Ramachandran, President of Perumbavoor Upasabha, and K. Hari (Secretary), H. Balakrishnan (Treasurer), N. Ranganathan (State Committee Member), Mohandas S. (District Joint Secretary), R. Natesan (Joint Secretary), H. Ramanathan (President, Vadarkutti Samooham), A. N. Hariharan, E. M. Balasubramaniam, Prof. V. H. Narayanaswami, Prof. P. S. Ramachandran and N. Ramaswami were present on the occasion. Vaidyanathan welcomed the gathering and Lakshmi Hariharasubramania Iyer delivered the vote of thanks.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Thripunithura Upasabha’s Building Complex Inaugurated
The newly constructed building complex of Thripunithura Upasabha was inaugurated by K. Babu, M. L. A. on Sunday, the 25th of July 2010 in a fabulous function organized by the Upasabha of Thripunithura. V. Ramalingam, State President of KBS hoisted the flag of Sabha in the morning, marking the beginning of the day long celebrations. Krishna Vadhyar of Madappally Samooham lighted the Nilavilakku to start the inaugural meeting held in the Shivapoorna Hall. K. Babu M.L.A. said in his inaugural address that the building complex is an example for the able leadership and organizational strength of the Brahmin community.
The beautifully furnished air-conditioned hall in the second floor named ‘Shivapoorna’ was inaugurated by Honourable Justice M. N. Krishnan. “The Brahmin community should not wait for any reservation policies of Government; instead they should prove themselves with their talent and hard work with commitment to the society and community” he said.
Former Judge of the High Court of Kerala, Justice P. R. Raman inaugurated the ‘Vedhapuri’ hall in the third floor of the building. Addressing the gathering, he said the timely completion of the building complex reflects the strong will of the Sabha and its volunteers to attain the goal.
A Brahmin can excel in life only by following the culture and tradition of community – said V. Ramalingam, State President of Kerala Brahmana Sabha in his speech. P. Ananthasubramaniam, State General Secretary in his address said that the committee of Kerala Brahmana Sabha is grateful to the members and office bearers of Thripunithura Upasabha for accepting the deal to purchase the first floor of the building for the State Committee for its administrative office.
P. S. Raman, President of Thripunithura Upasabha presided over the meeting and he mentioned Seethalakshmi-Rama Iyer, who donated the land which became the driving force behing the idea of an own building for the Upasabha. Renjini Suresh (Chairperson, Thripunithura Municipality), R. Venugopal (Opposition leader, Thripunithura Municipality, Venugopal Radhakrishnan (Councillor, Thripunithura Municipality), N. R. Parameswaran (Secretary, Central Zone, Kerala Brahmana Sabha), V. Krishnaswami (President, Kerala Brahmana Sabha, Ernakulam District), Dr. Latha Ramakrishnan (President, Vanitha Vibhagam, Kerala Brahmana Sabha) and Thangam Ramakrishnan (Secretary, Vanitha Vibhagam, Kerala Brahmana Sabha, Ernakulam District) were also present on the occasion. Skilled workers who lead the building construction were presented mementoes on the occasion.
Followed by the inaugural meeting, the office of the Upasabha was opened by V. Ramalingam, the office of the Vanitha Vibhagam was opened by Dr. Latha Ramakrishnan and the sales counter of ‘Mamees Products’ was opened by V. Krishnaswami.
S. Ramakrishnan, Executive Committee Member of Thripunithura Upasabha welcomed the gathering and R. Hariharan delivered the vote of thanks. A ‘Grihapravesa Sadya’ was also arranged for the guests after the meeting.
Discourse by Thiruvananthapuram P. Ramachandran, organized in connection with the inauguration of building complex was listened by many in the evening, followed by Namasankeerthanam by Thripunithura P. S. Ramachandran and Party.
Bharath Suresh Gopi who had agreed to inaugurate the building complex could not attend because of his health problems and he felicitated the audience over phone during the meeting.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
G. Viswanathan - Distirct Governor of Rotary Club (Kochi-Coimbatore) for 2010-11
G. Viswanathan of Ernakulam has been elected as the Distirct Governor of Rotary Club (Kochi-Coimbatore) for 2010-11. The Clubs are spread over the southern Indian states of Kerala and Tamilnadu. R. Ramakrishnan (District Secretary and President, Ernakulam City Unit) honoured him by draping a Ponnada on Wednesday, the 7th of July 2010 at his residence.
Viswanathan did his schooling at Munnar and Ernakulam, later graduated in Electrical Engineering. He did Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration in Mumbai. Started his career as a Field Engineer and worked with FACT for 16 years, Viswanathan joined Howard Finley Consultants in Abu Dhabi - an International Materials and Maintenance Management Consulting firm, and retired as General Manager (Systems) in the year 2001. He was the Head of Info Tech Division of Muthoot Group till 2007. He is the head of a Soft Skill Training organistion – Finesse – at Kochi. Also he is the Chairman of the Institute of Engineers India, Kochi. His wife is Meena Viswanathan, who was the Principal of Bhavan’s Vidya Mandir, Elamakkara, Kochi for 15 years.
R. Rmakrishnan draping a Ponnada to G. Viswanathan. (From Left to Right) S. Narayanan (Joint Secretary, Ernakulam City Unit), Meena Viswanathan, M. Vanchiswaran (Secretary, Ernakulam City Unit), R. Ananthanarayanan (Treasurer, Ernakulam City Unit)
Monday, July 19, 2010
Shashtiabdhapoorthi of Ranganathan celebrated
The Shashtiabdhapoorthi of N. Ranganathan, one among the veteran leaders of Kerala Brahmana Sabha was celebrated with great enthusiasm at Samooham Kalyana Mandapam, Perumbavoor on Sunday, the 18th of July 2010. The celebrations commenced on Friday, the 16th of July 2010 with Vishnu Sahasranama Japam in the evening.
On Saturday, the 17th of July 2010, the rituals commenced with Ganapathy Homam followed by Rudra Ekadasani Mahasankalpam, Mahanyasam, Rudra Japam, Homa Aarambham, Vasordhara, Deeparadhana, Ashirvadam and Abhishekam. The Kathakali Artist fraternity of Ranganathan, staged ‘Kuchelavritham’ in the evening. Prof. K. P. Babu Das inaugurated the function in the presence of R. Sreenivasan Potti, N. Hariharasubramania Iyer and Moorthy. Kalamandalam Kuttan (Kuchelan), Kalanilayam Gopinathan (Sree Krishnan) and Vellinezhi Haridas (Rugmini) performed in the play which was appreciated by the friends and relatives. Cine Artist Jayaram, who is a native of Perumbavoor honoured Ranganathan by draping a Ponnada on the occasion.
A scene from 'Kuchelavritham' Kathakali staged in connection with the celebrations
Jayaram (Cine Artist) honouring Ranganathan. N. Ramachandran and Lalitha Ranganathan also seen
The celebrations came to an end with Abhishekam, Asirvadam and Samaradhanai on Sunday, the 18th of July 2010. Early in the morning, Shashtibdyapoorthy Sangalpam and japam were held at Samooham Kalyana Mandapam. 15 vedic scholars lead the Poojas under the auspices of Thrikkoor Vaidyanatha Sasthrikal for three days. The Central Zone President of Kerala Brahmana Sabha, P. S. Raman presented a crown made of jasmine flowers to Ranganathan.
Rudra Ekadasani Mahasankalpam

P. S. Raman (Central Zone President, KBS) adorning the Crown made of Jasmine

V. Ramalingam (State President, KBS) and P. Ananthasubramaniam (State General Secretary, KBS) honouring Ranganathan
On behalf of Perumbavoor Upasabha, R. Natesan, Joint Secretary presented a ‘Mangalapathram’, Executive Committee Member V. Krishnan draped a Ponnada and Treasurer H. Balakrishnan honoured by presenting Thamboolam. Considering the outstanding services to the community, especially to Perumbavoor Upasabha, the title ‘Sevana Ratna’ was also presented on the occasion. Representing Vadarkutti Brahmana Samooham, H. Ramanathan and friends, presented Thamboolam and Ponnada.
Ranganathan receiving 'Mangalapathram' from R. Natesan (Joint Secretary, Perumbavoor Upasabha)
Personalities from different sects of society were present to wish Ranganathan on his 60th birthday celebrations. V. Ramalingam (State President), P. S. Raman (State Vice President), P. Ananthasubramaniam (State General Secretary), K. G. V. Pathy (State Treasurer), Balu Narayanan (State Joint Secretary), Navaneetha Krishnan (State Joint Secretary), N. R. Parameswaran (Central Zone Secretary), V. Krishnaswami (District President, Ernakulam), K. Annalakshmi (District Persident, Vanitha Vibhagam, Ernakulam), R. Ramakrishnan (District Secretary, Ernakulam), G. D. Moorthy (District Secretary, Thrissur), Mohandas S. (District Joint Secretary, Ernakulam), P. Veeraraghavan (Sankara Santhi Nilayam, Kalady), A. K. Seshadri (President, Gramajana Samooham, Ernakulam), S. Krishna Iyer (President, Kinattumkara Samooham, Ernakulam) and P. Venkitanarayanan (Ex-State General Secretary) attended the function.
(From Left to Right) T. P. Sivaramakrishnan, A. K. Seshadri (Ex-Mayor, Cochin Corporation), Narayanaswami, P. Veeraraghavan (Managing Trustee, Sankara Santhi Nilayam, Kalady & State Committee Member), K. S. Anantharaman (Secretary, Sankara Santhi Nilayam, Kalady & State Committee Member), P. S. Raman (Central Zone President, State Vice President & President, Thripunithura Upasabha)
V. Krishnaswami (District President, KBS, Ernakulam) draping Ponnada to Ranganathan. (From Left to Right) P. Veeraraghavan (State Committee Member), A. G. Ganesh Venkitachalam (District Treasurer, Ernakulam), M. Vanchiswaran (Secretary, Ernakulam City Unit), R. Ramakrishnan (District Secretary), R. Hariharaputhran and Mohandas S. (both District Joint Secretaries)
K. Annalakshmi (President, KBS, Vanitha Vibhagam, Ernakulam District) honouring Ranganathan
P. Veeraraghavan (Managing Trustee, Sankara Santhi Nilayam, Kalady & State Committee Member) honouring Ranganathan
S. Krishna Iyer (President, Kinattumkara Samooham) draping the Ponnada to Ranganathan
R. Ramakrishnan (President, Ernakulam City Unit & District Secretary of Ernakulam) honouring Ranganathan. (From Left to Right) Viswanathan K., S. Narayanan, M. Vanchiswaran (Secretary, Ernakulam City Unit), Ananthanarayanan R. (Treasurer, Ernakulam City Unit), T. K. Narayanaswami and R. Hariharaputhran
K. Ramasubramaniam (President, Edappilly Samooham) honouring Ranganathan
Balu Narayanan (State Joint Secretary & Executive Member, Thripunithura Upasabha) honouring Ranganathan
P. P. Thankachan (U. D. F. Convenor) with Ranganathan. Lalitha Ranganathan and N. Ramachandran also seen
Saju Paul, M. L. A. honouring Ranganathan by draping Ponnada for Sree Swathi Thirunal Sangeetha Sabha, Perumbavoor. (From Left to Right) M. K. Krishnan Namboothiri (Secretary, Sree Swathi Thirunal Sangeetha Sabha), Dr. K. Preethi (Head of the Department-Music, Sree Sankaracharya Sanskrit University, Kalady), Kumari. Poornasree Haridas (Winner, Asianet Plus Reality Show and Playback singer), N. Natarajan (President, Sree Swathi Thirunal Sangeetha Sabha), Prof. K. V. Somasundaran Nair (Treasurer, Sree Swathi Thirunal Sangeetha Sabha), Adv. N. C. Mohanan (Ex-Municipal Chairman, Perumbavoor)
P. P. Thankachan (UDF Convenor), Saju Paul (M.L.A.), Benny Behanan (K.P.C.C. General Secretary), Edappilly Sivan (C.P.I.), Jayaram (Cine Artist), T. N. S. Krishna (Musician), Mohan (Film Director), Anupama Mohan (Kuchipudi Artist), Kalamandalam Rajasekharan (Kathakali Artist), Kalanilayam Gopinathan (Kathakali Artist), Nelliyodu Vasudevan Namboothiri (Kathakali Artist), Kalnilayam Unnikrishnan (Kathakali Artist), Kalanilayam Rajeev (Kathakali Artist), Kalamandalam Vasantha (Dancer), Smitha (Dancer), Cherumukku Jathavedan Namboothiri, Cherumukku Narayanan Namboothiri (Melsanthi, Thrissur Vadakkumnathan Temple), Perumpilly Narayanan Namboothiri (Ex-Melsanthi, Sabarimala), A. R. Raman Namboothirippadu (Ex-Melsanthi, Sabarimala), Prof. A. Subramania Iyer (Manager, Sri Sringeri Madom, Kalady) were a few to name. The office bearers of Kathakali Club of Perumbavoor, Swathi Thirunal Sangeetha Sabha, Fine Arts Society, Perumbavoor, Perumbavoor Dharmasastha Temple Advisory Committee were also present on the occasion.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Shashtibdhyapoorthi for Perumbavoor N. Ranganathan
N. Ranganathan, State Committee Member and former office bearer of KBS, State Committee celebrates his 60th birthday on Sunday, the 18th of July 2010 at Perumbavoor Samooham Kalyana Mandapam. The celebrations include Kathakali, Vishnusahasranama Japam, Ganapathi Homam, Rudra Ekadasi, Mahanyasam, Vasordhara, Abhishekam, Bhagavathi Seva, Shashtibdhyapoorthi Sankalpam and Ashirvadam. Ranganathan was born to K. Narayana Iyer of Kulangara Madom and Anandambal at Perumbavoor. His wife is Lalitha from Pookunnam.
He has marked his presence in the socio-cultural and political sector at Perumbavoor with his sincere service. Ranganathan, in his early age, played a major role in the formation Y.M.B.A. (Young Mens Brahmins Association) - the youth movement of Brahmins in Perumbavoor. He was always in the forefront of the society by motivating and serving the poor and disabled. Also Ranganathan had a good role in unifying the Brahmin community members scattered all over Kerala under one organization – Kerala Brahmana Sabha.
Apart from his service to the community, Ranganathan was the secretary of youth congress in Perumbavoor constituency. He has remarkably contributed in the functioning of organizations like Perumbavoor Kathakali Club, Sree Swathithirunal Sangeetha Sabha, Perumbavoor Sree Dharma Sastha Temple, Perumbavoor Fine arts society and Perumbavoor Upasabha with his selfless service. Perumbavoor Upasabha purchased its own land, completed a building and started K. Harihara Iyer memorial L. P. School when Ranganathan served as the Secretary. An excellent organizer, who celebrates his 60th birthday, is something special to the district committee of Kerala Brahmana Sabha.
Monday, July 12, 2010
FIDE rating for Hariharan G.
Hariharan G., aged 13 from Perumbavoor has achieved FIDE (World Chess Federation) rating. His present rating is 1598. FIDE is an international organization that connects the various national chess federations around the World and acts as the governing body of international chess competition. Hariharan is son of Ganapathy Raman H. and Jyothi and grandson of Late. K. Harihara Iyer. Hariharan is studying in 8th standard in Sree Sarada Vidyalayam, Kalady and residing at K. Harihara Iyer road, Perumbavoor.
Prof. H. Padmanabhan received Ulloor S. Parameswara Iyer Award
H. Padmanabhan, retired Professor and Head of the Hindi Department at Sree Sankara College, Kalady was presented Ulloor S. Parameswara Iyer Award for Tamil-Malayalam transilation. The award is instituted by Tamilsangam, Thiruvananthapuram. Prof. H. Padmanabhan received the award in the function held at P. R. S. Hall, Thiruvananthapuram from Balachandran, Additional Secretary, Bangalore Department of Space. Prof. H. Padmanabhan is the President of Kerala Brahmana Sabha, Kalady Upasabha.
Bharath Suresh Gopi to inaugurate Thripunithura Upasabha Building Complex
The inauguration of the four-storied building complex of Thripunithura Upasabha is proposed to be held on Sunday, the 25th of July 2010 at 10.30 a. m. Superstar Bharath Suresh Gopi will inaugurate the building. The meeting will be presided by P. S. Raman, President of Thripunithura Upasabha. Honourable Justice M. N. Krishnan (High Court of Kerala) will inaugurate the Air Conditioned Hall and Honourable Justice P. R. Raman (Former Judge, High Court of Kerala) will inaugurate the Conference Hall. K. Babu (M. L. A.), Adv. Ranjini Suresh (Chairperson, Thripunithura Municipality), V. Ramalingam (State President, Kerala Brahmana Sabha), Dr. Latha Ramakrishnan (State President, Vanitha Vibhagam, Kerala Brahmana Sabha), Venugopalan Radhakrishnan (Municipal Councillor), R. Venugopal (Municipal Councillor) and V. Krishnaswami (District President, Kerala Brahmana Sabha, Ernakualm) will felicitate the inaugural function.
Thripunithura - the name originated from 'Poorna Veda Puri' (the town of Vedas) - is one of the most prominent centers of traditional cultural heritage. The building is located behind Sidhivinayaka Temple at Chakkamkulangara. The ground floor is having office/shop rooms; the first floor – the proposed administrative office of Kerala Brahmana Sabha, State Committee; the second floor – the air conditioned hall and the roof top equipped with a spacious dining area with wash and toilets. A lift and generator facility for 24 hours is also provided here. The secretary of Thripunithura Upasabha, R. Venugopal invited all Sabha members to attend the inaugural function.
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